The MultiPass K16 resembles more of a HID key fob than your typical security key, both in shape and size. The weight of the fob feels well in hand, and it has a generous loop to put it on a keychain or lanyard. The K16 has a Micro USB 2.0 B socket and comes with a short USB-A cable for charging. There is a power led, an authentication led, and a Bluetooth led, along with a single large button in the middle.
Available Features And Management
The MultiPass K16 also supports FIDO U2F.
Where the key falls short is in marketing – depending on where you look, it’s hard to determine what methods are available per operating system. While Windows does have Bluetooth support for security keys, Feitian does not support Windows with this device. Oddly, you can still pair this key with Windows, but you’ll receive a device state error from Windows when attempting to use Bluetooth.
FIPS 140 Availability
Feitian does not produce a FIPS 140 variant.
Enrollment And Usage
The key enrolled in Azure AD without issue.
The key worked consistently after enrollment without issue. With the lacking Bluetooth support, it primarily seems designed to be used as an NFC key, but FIDO2 also works with it plugged in via the USB cable.
The key was factory reset without issue.